
Historic residence Woolbridge Manor, Wool, Dorset

Woolbridge Manor House, Wool was mentioned in Thomas Hardy's
Tess of the D'Urbervilles and named Wellbridge House
the setting for Tess and Angel Clares unfortunate honeymoon
The grade II listed 17th century house is privately owned and unfortunately
closed to the public although it can be seen from the 15th century bridge
which spans the river Frome on the outskirts of Wool

Sunset glory over Lyme Bay from Tophill on Portland

You may think that the picture is one of sheer, natural, awesome beauty,.... you should've been there,... I was as you can see.
I was fortunate enough to spend a couple of days back on The Rock last week~end.
The view from the heady heights of Portland overlooking the Lyme Bay reminded me of one of the most impressionable aspects of my time spent living on the Isle. The sunsets can be very spectacular, inspiring and often, on reflexion, quite humbling.
Far, far away on the horizon is one of my favourite haunts, Lyme Regis, West Dorset. A very, very nice place to while away time @ the traditional pace of the Dorset lifestyle. I haven't ventured that way for quite a while although it is on the list, very near the top, for a visitation.
If you fancy the view and are down this way, head for the Portland Heights Hotel and then meander through the Toute Quarry, just follow the glow!

The Holiday Season is Here...

What a corker.... An absolutely gorgeous day 2day @ the sunny end of Great Britain, @ least 60 degrees c.
Okay, I know that it may not compare too favourably with Barbados, California or Melbourne, but hey, this is the U.K., 60 degrees is positively 'fry an egg on the back of a shovel' temperature.
And how do I know that the holiday season is here?
In general tho', unless attempting access to the small 'major' towns and cities, this hubbub of motorised mayhem is usually confined to Saturday mornings. I'm glad that I didn't have to travel today...
Brief post I know, only my p.c. is indoors, the sun is outdoors,... and this being the U.K., it may likely rain 2morro.
With HOT regards 'til next time,

Oxford English in Dorset

I feel it only reasonable, now that I am fully appreciative of the service that has provided, to pass on my thanks and applause to the creators of,.... and it is apparently for free,.... nothing is for free,..... surely .....!
I have visited blogs that have been going for years, ..... "Where have I been?"... AWESOME!!
Click the little Blogger Lo. follow... and away you go,....simple,.....even for late starters and the currently underdeveloped and the undernourished,.....and unwanted.
Darzet loife today included a visit from a friend,...and his friend,...who is now my friend also, ...that is three friends that I have now, I will get a bigger address book 2morro.
He moved to Dorset from his home~land of Poland, ( via London I believe ) once behind the iron drape, now relatively free to roam the civilized world.
He loves it in Dorset, the pace is probably slightly slower than he would prefer, a view derived from the fact that, in my opinion anyway, he lives in a market village in West Dorset.
Rural tranquility is not 4 all....
Well, I hope that he reads this, I did make it a point regarding the learning of a language and the benefits of communicating in patois. Conversational languages in Great Britain do throw up some strange twists on the interpretations by the Oxford English.
I shall wrap up now.
"Do you ever get the feeling that you are talking to yourself ?"
With best wishes 'til next time

The Rock Forum.

Do you ever suffer from the mental thumbscrew? or writers block? or thinker's cramp, when the sweat of imagination lock~out hits?
The barreness of empty ......................

I'm not from 'round these 'ere parts, only I am very fond of Dorset, which I suppose is why I'm still here. As I have already mentioned, one of my favourite haunts is the Isle of Portland, the Rock.
I lived there for 4 and a half years and can say that it was THE friendliest place with some of THE nicest people. I do so miss the community spirit that seemed to have had the Good Old Days togetherness feel. A warm Sunday morning stroll ( Gallop! ) to the North Portland Workies 4 the obligatory half shandy.... FANTASTIC walkies and cycle rides,...views second to none.
And all of that Portland Stone,....YUMMY!
Anyway,... back to that togetherness feel and community spirit.

The Forum is my favourite idea. Forums in general are an absoluteley amazing way to communicate, BRILLIANT for the community and BRILLIANT for the spirit. Also AMAZINGLY BRILLIANT for education. Ask a question and there's always some bright spark that knows the answer.
One topic currently on the menu in the Forum is with regards my fascination with cakes, in an attempt to 'large myself up'. If you've not tasted Portland Dough Boys then you've not been to cakey heaven. Hopefully some kindly soul will furnish me with the ancient recipe. I will post any resulting concoctions here, ( if they are any good of course, after the taste test that is.. ) only you'll probably read it there first.

So, when the sweat of imagination lock~out does hit, do as I have done, have a virtual community break on Portland for some inspiration.

" Feel the fear,.......and do it anyway"

Weather, Dorset Applecake and Embracing Bossom Update.

'tis rather damp in sunny Darzet 2day, resulting in a casual approach towards outdoor activities and/or chores ( walking..., suitably attired in several layers of warm under~garments, topped off with a light, breathe~able, easy to remove water~proof covering and stout, fleecy~lined hiking boots,...don't need a hat,... is really quite a joy in torrents of glorious rain and hammering winds, especially if the adventure destination were to include the comfort of a warm inglenook fireplace, in a cosy inn of repute ( certain reputes~of~ill are, of course, acceptable... ) with the embracing love of a fond one, or should that be the fondled one? or two of a fine deep red followed by a few nite~caps of medicinal Cognac and a hot chunk of Dorset Applecake ...then orf 2 bed with the desire of my dreams for the obligatory cuddle and romp,...( the main reason for ' easy to remove waterproof covering' ).., then shleep and peace.
This was not the case for today tho'. No walkies,..still no bossom.

Now Chesil Bank is a stretch of pebble beach some eighteen miles long and joining The Isle of Portland to West Bay near to Bridport.
Having walked it once, fortunately for a very light~weight and more basic attirement journey the sun was shining and all was warm, I would recommended the trudge through leg~tiring pebble mountains if that's your bag.
Personally, once is enough for the time being, although there is @ least one welcoming hostelry of fine repute @ either end that could be the ideal venue for topping~off a days meandering.

I have discovered three recipes for Darzet Appawcake moi deery so far, plus I shall endeavor to persuade the recipe from Mrs Brown who resides up the road and does make an exceeeedingly good cake.
This avenue, I feel, will be faced against the Official Puddings Secrecy Act of Long Ago,... developed by kind folk who like nothing more than to annoy by taking amazing culinary master~pieces with great fattening properties, portions and proportions, to their graves.
The requirement now is to re~create these three wanna~be master~pieces using the individual recipes,..perhaps throw in one or two extra mixes that I can blend using the ingredients from all three recipes, and do the taste test. ( Brace yourself Rob,....I need an oven...)(...and another guinee~pig...)

Mittens On & Chocks Away.

With best wishes

'Til Next Time.

I really do like Lyme Regis.
Having spent many a delightful time there, I feel the need to explore4more ...

A Weekly Dose of the Universe and Beyond.

In Rememberance for the Suffering, Courage and Belief @ this time of Easter.

Massive THANKS an' RESPEC' to my Hombre Rob.With~out his annoying persistance, THIS Diary of Life would not be here. "Hurrah !" I hear you cry. "Then bugger~orf !" is my retort...
Not my idea to sub~title this Blog 'A Daily Dose of Dorset', should really be a 'Weekly Dose of Dorset' @ present, and possibly expand the County of Dorset to 'The Universe and Beyond.'........anyway,..The County of Dorset, Great Britain, A.K.A. U.K., or the United Kingdom,..whatever that's meant to imply..., a more accurate name would be U.I., or United Individuals., or S.C.I......

The County of Dorset, Great Britain.
Situated on the South coast of England, a suburb of G.B., Dorset boasts a menagerie of interests and intrigue. I shall over time, unless illegal..., highlight a link to sites that I personally find interesting. One of my favourite Dorset places is The Isle of Portland. Geologically it is absolutely awesome and extremely beautiful. Now I am slightly biased towards Geology and details due to working with stone, The Isle of Portland throwing up the most impressive of masonable rocks,...Portland, renowned and the finest around.


Prompted by the desire to increase my overall size from relatively slim to reasonably well stocked and firm, the next mission on the aggenda will be a Dorset recipe. I quite fancy Dorset Applecake with Cornflour Custard,...Mum can make the custard, just need to find a traditional recipe 4 the pud.

If you possess the knowledge for a mouth~watering Dorset Applecake recipe, please let me know.

With fondest regards

'til next time